
Showing posts from August, 2016

Pastor Chris' Letter August 2016

Dear Trinity Family, Each month I write this letter to our church family as a way to illustrate what is going on at Trinity; as well as, to encourage us in our mission to make    disciples of Jesus Christ for transforming the world. This month it became clear that one of our ministries was causing harm rather than helping. When I arrived at Trinity, it had been common practice to help people in emergencies by providing a gas voucher so that they may go to a doctor’s appointment, go to a job interview, or other emergency situations that may arise. This practice has raised many problems. One central problem is that this  practice forces decisions as to what is and what is not an emergency on the staff and myself. The second, and far greater problem, is that people have begun to take advantage of this practice. We have had a couple of incidents where we know those vouchers have been traded for drugs. Now the point of this letter is not for us to jump on the few peo...


Greetings! In case I have not had the pleasure of meeting you, my name is Pastor Angie Kidd. As of July 1st, Bishop Coyner appointed me to TCUM as your Deacon. Pastor Chris asked me to write for the Spire each month so grab a cup of tea and a comfy chair and let’s share some thoughts! (I promise I won’t write a book every month!) My intention is to bring you an “inspiring” thought or idea from the world around us so that you might be able to join me in taking our church into the world. I have chosen the name “in-SPIRE-ations” for obvious reasons (yes, I know there is no “e” in inspirations) and also because “inspire” means to “breathe in.” To do that, we must “exhale” or “breathe out.” Together, we will learn to breathe in what God is calling us to do in the world and breathe out the things that get in the way of our doing it. Before we get to all of that, let’s “exhale” the introductions and explanations. Chris and I were members of the Ligonier UMC for 28 years. We w...

Mega Sports Camp Sunday, August 14

All hands on deck! We are in need of your help with our Mega Sports Camp at Sunset Park on August 14, from 10 AM—4PM. This is a missional outreach for kids and is another great way for us to reach out to our community. There are sign-ups in the Ministry Center, so please stop by and find a place to help out. There are many different ways to contribute to the day.