Pastor Chris' Letter
Dear Trinity Family, The Advent season is upon us. Advent is a time for us to prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of Christ. This preparation is both a celebration of Christ’s entry into this world in Bethlehem, but also a hope that Christ will come again in final victory. To help us on this Advent journey, we are centering our thoughts on Jesus, the real reason for the season, with the sermon series, “A Christmas Journey.” To go along with this series we will be doing some things that help us to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Throughout the advent season, we will be collecting diapers for Life and Family Services. We will have a two days (December 18 and 19) for us to ring the bell for the Salvation Army (most of this money stays right here in Noble County). One of the key ways we can celebrate Jesus’ birthday is to think about what we are going to spend on Christmas. I am not suggesting that we tend toward the side of Ebenezer Scrooge, but that we really think about whether ...