
Showing posts from January, 2017

Pastor Chris' Letter January 2017

Dear Trinity Family, I wanted to begin my letter this month by wishing you all a Happy New Year. This last year has flown by. As I completed my first full year of being your pastor, I am so happy for the things that God has done in our congregation and I look forward to what God will do through this church in 2017. As the New Year begins it is a great opportunity for us to renew the commitment that we have to our relationship with God. As we have talked about many times this past year, being a disciple is about our relationship with God in Jesus Christ. Beginning this month, we will start a new sermon series called, “New Year: Same Promises”. This series will help us to remember the promises God has made to us and invite us anew to be disciples of Jesus Christ. This new series will offer tangible ways that can help us as we live out those commitments in our daily walk of faith and as we encourage one another to be the disciples God has called us to be.  As we begin a new yea...

Pastor Angie's InSPIREations January 2017

Happy New Year! I’m thinking about you right now.  Each month, I have the privilege of communicating with you through the Spire.  As your Deacon, one of my roles is to “equip” you for ministry.  I’ve been thinking about what I can do in this time with you so you are ready to serve AS disciples to MAKE disciples.  I would welcome ideas from you.  What would help you be ready to serve in the church and the world?  What would you like to hear from me?  I would truly welcome your feedback.  What do you like about inSPIREations ?  What would you like to see that you haven’t? For now, I want to share a spiritual practice I use to start my year. It’s not a resolution.  This is a special plan that should not be seen as a to-do list, but instead as a tool to help you become who you want to be in Christ.  The fancy name is regula vitae , but that just means rule for life .  It’s a way to put into words how we want to live our lives ...

A Message from Bishop Trimble

           May 2017 bring you joy during the journey. In conversation with a sister of mine, I was reminded of the important work I have to do in 2017. She reminded me that OUR MOST IMPORTANT WORK is the work we do on and with ourselves, "inside work." In the winter months Tim, the handyman, doing work at our home spends most of his time on inside jobs. While there is still some outside work to be done, the majority of his time is devoted to projects that can be completed by spending quality time inside. I believe Jesus is clear that he wants his followers to reach outward, share outwardly, and pursue holiness.  However, Jesus gives us clear instructions that our piety and purpose are best shaped from the inside work we do. "Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them; for then you have no reward from your Father in heaven. But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the doo...