Pastor Chris' Letter February 2018
Dear Trinity, A new year is in full swing and we will quickly be in the time of Lent. The season of Lent is a time to prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christ’s death and resurrection. This season begins with our celebration of Ash Wednesday February 14th at 6:30pm. This service reminds us of our humanity and that our time on earth is limited. Yes I know that this is Valentine’s Day and truthfully I think there could not be a better way to celebrate love than celebrating our humanity and God’s sacrificial love. As we hear in 1 John 4:1, “We love because he first loved us.” This service will transition us into a new teaching series that we are calling “For.” This series will kick off a year-long initiative that helps us to refocus what it means to be the church. You see too often the church is known for what we are against. And the truth is this will be the way the media and society continue to portray the church for what they think we are against more than what we are for...