Pastor Chris' Letter April 2018
Dear Trinity Family, April begins with the great news that Jesus Christ has risen from the grave (no fooling.) Now is our time like the disciples to ask what happens next. We have experienced the live changing work of Christ’s resurrection. This experience cannot be limited to one moment or day. The love that God shows us in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ changes us and calls us to action. So throughout the next couple of months, in light of the resurrection and our “For” teaching series, we are going to begin to ask ourselves, “What Now.” What do we, as people in Kendallville at this time, do in response to the love God has shown us in Jesus Christ. I have mentioned a few responses we have to this that relate to our “For Kendallville” campaign. The first is the “Pay It Backward” concept. We are going to get car magnets (and static clings if your car is not magnetic) and we encourage you to pay for the person behind you at the drive-thru (Note: Ease drop on the...