Pastor Chris' Letter November 2018
Dear Trinity, As I write my letter today, I am deeply grieved by the terrible events that happened in Pittsburgh at the Tree of Life Synagogue. This event affects me for a few different reasons. I am disturbed by the flash of blatant anti-Semitism and the underlying racism that shapes it. I am also disturbed by where this event occurred. Not only did this event happen in a house of worship but also took place in the neighborhood of the man we have been talking about for the last few months. The Tree of Life synagogue sits just a couple of blocks from the real home of Fred Rogers. This shooting took place in Squirrel Hill, Mr. Rogers’s real-life neighborhood. This event has reminded me to continue to follow his anthem of acceptance and grace for others and to look for the “helpers” in this situation. This horrific event also reminds me that a large part of our work as Christians is in the area of grief. The act of grief and of grieving is one that involves a spiritual discipline t...