Pastor Chris' Letter November 2016
Dear Trinity Family,
Wow! This has been a busy last couple of months with a brand new ceiling, Apple Festival, Fall Party, and all kinds of other ministry opportunities. I continue to be blown away by how Trinity never fails to step out in ministry. We took on a brand new venture with having two booths at Apple Festival and because of Trinity, we raised $2300 for missions. The idea to add a second booth came when we were offered the opportunity to take over an existing booth. It is amazing that these ministry opportunities seem to just bubble up, we just need the courage to step out in faith to follow where God is calling us.
Throughout this teaching series (What Disciples Do), I have had in mind the old tagline for Nike, “Just Do It.” It seems that too many times we as the church have set back and gotten excited about the idea of doing something, but then it goes no further. This is why if I had to rename our current series, I would call it “Just Do It…Really.” We have been put here by God for a time such as this. And what we need to do is continue to encourage one another to step out in faith and find the places where God is already at work in our world when we find the work of God bubbling to the surface.
So what keeps us from doing it…really? Fear. We are afraid we may fail, afraid we will have to give up our wants and preferences, and afraid that we cannot do it. The truth is that all three can and probably will happen but to not try is the very antithesis of our faith. I had someone give me a great piece of advice about ministry many years ago. They said we should do something so crazy and risky that it would be guaranteed to fail without the power of God in the Holy Spirit. If we could do it by ourselves we should have done it already, but we should reach out in faith knowing that if we step out in faith God will be there to help and to catch us when we fall. In Joshua 1:6-9, God tells Joshua three times to be strong and courageous. This is God’s advice to us as well. Be strong and courageous, no matter what is going on in the world. Be strong and courageous.