What’s Going On? By Pastor Chris
What’s Going On? By Pastor Chris
As I mentioned in my letter this month, January is a time of transitions. This is the same in the church. For those of you who were unable to hear Tim Holcomb share on December 10th of this year I encourage you to go to our website and listen as he shares about the state of the church. But also in it he announces that he is stepping down as the president of our leadership board. This has to do with the structure of our board. We as a church have guidelines for how committees must be run. This document is the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church. This book is edited, revised, and revisited by the General Conference of the United Methodist Church every four years. That’s a long way around to say that part of these guidelines are term limits for certain committees and boards in the church. For most committees including the leadership board this term is three years. Because of this when we developed the new leadership board we placed the members into classes so they would all roll off at different times (so we did not have to replace everyone at once). So Tim Holcomb will be the first to roll off of the leadership board.
That being said I am extremely grateful for his leadership and guidance over these last three years. He has done so much to stabilize our finances, encourage our staff, and be a sounding board for myself and the leadership of the church. I hope you find time to celebrate his work with him so he may know our gratitude for his ministry in this way.
The next piece is how do we replace Tim on the leadership team. First of all, as noted above, that is a tall order. You may recall a few months back I asked for willing parties to step forward and Dr. Phil Corbin will be placed on the leadership team and the vice-president John Blume will assume the position of President. Then, a new vice-president will be voted on at our first meeting in the new year. During this first rotation we are moving quickly to get Dr. Corbin, but we are well aware that another transition is coming in 12 months. With this I would ask that you think and pray about joining the leadership team for 2019. With the next roll-over we want this to be a more open process and the new candidates will come before an all church vote that will happen at a town hall meeting later this year. I know this a lot of information for what is going on, but I wanted to share with you our plans moving forward. As always if you have any questions feel free to contact the church office to set up a time we can talk or e-mail me at chris@trinitychurchum.org.