Hazel Says Goodbye

As many of you know, Hazel Mapes, our church secretary, has retired as of May 31. This year marks 40 years of  Hazel’s faithful service to Trinity Church.  We are all saddened by the news of Hazel’s retirement, but we need to celebrate the joy and heart that Hazel brought to Trinity Church over the last 40 years. Many of you responded to our call to celebrate Hazel’s ministry with gifts, cards, and well wishes.   Thank you.  Hazel’s heart, smiling face, and devotion will truly be missed in the office.
The Staff-Parish committee is working hard to find another secretary, but in the mean time we would ask that you extend some grace and patience in this time of transition. We want to take our time to find the right person to help us in the office. Through the month of June we have a great set of volunteers that will help answer the phone, create the bulletin, and run the office from day to day. During this time of transition if you cannot get ahold of someone at the church, you can e-mail Pastor Chris at chris@trinitychurchum.org or call the parsonage (Pastor Chris’ home) at 260-347-3621. Thank you in advance for working with us as we  navigate t his  time of  transition together.

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