
Showing posts from December, 2017

Pastor Chris' Letter December 2017

Dear Trinity Family, The Advent season is upon us. Advent is a time for us to prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of Christ. This preparation is both a celebration of Christ’s entry into this world in Bethlehem, but also a hope that Christ will come again in final victory. To help us on this Advent journey, we are centering our thoughts on Jesus, the real reason for the season, with the sermon series, “The Story.” To go along with this series we will be doing some things that help us to celebrate Jesus’ birth. One of the key ways we can celebrate Jesus’ birthday is to think about what we are going to spend on Christmas. I am not suggesting that we tend toward the side of Ebenezer Scrooge, but that we really think about whether what we are spending brings honor and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. This question may lead us to find that we need to cut back on what we spend on ourselves and to think about what is on Jesus’ wish list. As a way to help us focus on what Jesus w...

Pastor Angie's In-Spire-ations December 2017

“I always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in my prayers, constantly remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”  That should sound just a little familiar.  (1 Thess. 1:2-3) By the time you read this, I will be back on my feet and this will be behind me, but for the past week I have been held captive on my couch by a fancy moon boot and doctor’s orders.  I’m sure you know me well enough by now to know that this is NOT a normal state for me!  I have teased my friends that they are coming to visit just to see me sitting still with their own eyes.  Chris has been an absolute saint!  I have loved this man since I was 17 and didn’t think I could love him more, but I was wrong.  We have been blessed with visits, cards, calls and food.  Much of that from our Trinity family, which is why I opened with this scripture. I mean every word and I do pray for ...

What’s Going On? By Pastor Chris

What’s Going On? By Pastor Chris We are starting a new column this month in the newsletter called “What’s Going On?” We want o communicate clearly the changes and decisions we are making at the church. This column (which will continue on) is a way to communicate some of these changes in an open and honest way. As always, I  encourage you that if you have specific questions to contact me as I will be glad to take the time and share with you the most up-to-date and accurate information that I have at any time. The big conversation that has been at work in the church as we mentioned in last month’s newsletter is the Gathering Hall. I have been in discussions with many people and the leadership team about some safety and aging concerns in the Gathering Hall. The discussions have centered around three key pieces. One area is the area of the carpet. Discussions around the Gathering Hall carpet began with cleaning the carpet. However the special cleaning materials used to clean thi...

Ugly Christmas Sweater Sunday

Ugly Christmas Sweater Sunday For a bit off levity and celebration of this holiday season we will have an ugly Christmas sweater contest on the Sunday before Christmas Eve, December 17 th . We invite you to join in the festivities and come in your ugly Christmas sweater or favorite Christmas apparel. We will have prizes for the best ugly Christmas sweater. As an added bonus Pastor will wear and preach in a special Christmas outfit (mostly in good taste) if we collect enough money for Operation Christmas Transformation. So join in the fun as we celebrate the birth of Christ even if it is with ugly Christmas sweaters.


WOMEN’S CHRISTMAS BRUNCH The Trinity Women’s Bible Study group is sponsoring a WOMEN’S CHRISTMAS BRUNCH Wednesday December 13 th  from 9:15 – 11:00 in the Gathering Hall.  To add to the festivity – bring your favorite tea cup or coffee mug to use, and be sure to invite a friend.  The event includes a yummy brunch  followed by a program which will include a brief devotional, a time of Christmas carol singing, and a presentation from Ft. Wayne’s “ C reative  W omen of the  W orld” ministry.  ( ).  CWOW will have unique gift items available for purchase that day, a great opportunity for some Christmas shopping!  Come share in good food, good fellowship and singing your favorite Christmas songs.  Invite your friends.  Open to all women.

Can you help?

Can you help? We are currently in the process of building our worship teams for 2018. There are many ways that you can help with our hospitality on Sunday mornings. If you would like to get involved please sign up at the ministry center or contact the church office. We will also have sign ups on in worship as well. If you have been involved in the past we would love you to continue or if you would like to take some time off or try something different that is alright as well. Just let us know how you would like to serve on Sunday mornings. All of these positions operate on a rotating basis and we will train you for whatever job you would like to take. Here are some of the opportunities that we have available for our two services: 1 st Service Greeter – This position welcomes all to worship. Usher – This position helps collect the offering and assists everyone coming to worship. Sound Board – This position takes care of the sound and the slides for worship. Liturgist – Th...

Annual Dorcas Circle Cookie Exchange

Annual Dorcas Circle Cookie Exchange  On December 10, we will have our annual Dorcas Circle Cookie Exchange. You are invited to bring cookies and get some in exchange or just fill a tray and leave a free will donation.  Donations of cookies also accepted. Sign-up at the Ministry Center. Proceeds from the cookie exchange go to Dorcas Circle Mission’s projects.