What’s Going On? By Pastor Chris
What’s Going On? By Pastor Chris
We are starting a new column this month in the newsletter called “What’s Going On?” We want o communicate clearly the changes and decisions we are making at the church. This column (which will continue on) is a way to communicate some of these changes in an open and honest way. As always, I encourage you that if you have specific questions to contact me as I will be glad to take the time and share with you the most up-to-date and accurate information that I have at any time.
The big conversation that has been at work in the church as we mentioned in last month’s newsletter is the Gathering Hall. I have been in discussions with many people and the leadership team about some safety and aging concerns in the Gathering Hall. The discussions have centered around three key pieces. One area is the area of the carpet. Discussions around the Gathering Hall carpet began with cleaning the carpet. However the special cleaning materials used to clean this type of carpet make its cost to clean prohibitive and the carpet has lived 5 years longer than it was supposed to live. The other issue with the carpet is that it does not meet Safe Serve guidelines. These are the guidelines to prepare and serve food to groups of people. The floor does not meet these requirements because it is not able to be sanitized. So the leadership team is taking bids from companies to replace the carpet with a safe material.
The second two issues are safety concerns. The first is the stage that we use for second service is quite old. In fact it is the stage from the old Wayne Center Elementary. The concerns are that this stage is not accessible, meaning that there are no railings on the stairs, and the second issue is that we have a couple of spots that have become spongy and we worry that someone may get hurt. The second safety issue is electrical. The Gathering Hall was not originally designed to handle the needs of modern sound equipment. We currently have places that are unsafely and illegally (do not meet fire code) set up to run on an extension cord.
The leadership team is working with the staff to address these issues but also to look forward to what our needs might be in the future. As always if you have any questions about this project or others feel free to contact me via e-mail at chris@trinitychurchum.org or at the church office. I hope this helps you know a little bit more about “What’s Going On?”