What’s Going On (by Pastor Chris) May 2018

What’s Going On (by Pastor Chris)
With crazy events taking place in our world (especially the tragedy at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, TX) I have had questions about the security of our church. The simple answer is we are working on this. We have been in contact with our annual conference representatives as well as having been in touch Mick Newton (Director of Noble County Emergency Management Agency.) Both resources suggested that we continue to learn about active shooter situations. In response to this we are beginning to train the staff through two key resources. One is a universal training from FEMA as well as to learn the ALICE method (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate). We will begin with staff training and then invite others to join as we assess our space and needs. 
The other piece that was shared by both of these resources is to assess our other security protocols. This security will involve us looking at least five other areas of security that protect our congregation and guests at all times. The first of these is to revisit our safe sanctuaries policy and review the safety of our children and youth. The second is to purchase an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) this is a standard security in most schools and churches in case of a medical emergency. The third is we have begun the process of getting a comprehensive fire detection unit. This is because currently we only have wall smoke detectors. The large thing we learned about this is that if we were to have a fire the sooner we can alert the fire department the better. Especially because churches are the number two most dangerous place for firefighters (second only to basements.) The next is to revisit our escape routes especially escape in case of a fire emergency and to set safe meeting places for the congregation (I will add this is a powerful thing to do at your own home as well.) This will also need to involve practicing our exit plan (so we may have a fire drill at church.) The last is that with our yearly accessibility audit (required by the denomination) we will continue to look for ways to improve our accessibility and eliminate hazards.
Again I know this is more than you asked for but I wanted to share some of the ways we are trying to keep you safe. I also know that sometimes it feels that things like this disappear into a black hole, and it may feel like we are avoiding the topic. That is why we created this article to better share what is going on, especially with these processes that take time (and the involvement of many people and organizations.) As always if you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at chris@trinitychurchum.org or call the church office.

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