Pastor Chris' Letter April 2019
Dear Trinity,
Last month I began my letter by discussing transitions. I think this is why for the last few days my attention has been drawn to the weather and seasons. I sit here writing this letter on what is the first day of spring although it does not feel like it. I know that it is perspective (because I think like the rest of us I am ready for spring) but it kind of feels like winter will never end. But as I write this we have robins playing in the yard and the bright green shoots of daffodils peeking out of the ground. It is interesting to think about this as we begin a time of transition as the church. This time of transition where the leadership team and I make preparations for a new pastor to walk with you on this journey of faith. And personally as I work to not be a lame duck and finish strong so that the ministry of Jesus Christ may continue to flourish here in Kendallville as well as make the necessary preparations for my family to transition to a new church and community.
It is a good thing (however hard) to talk openly about transitions especially about our feelings as we say goodbye. So as we talk about transitions I have three requests that I would ask of you as we go through this time of transition (although it may sound like more).
First I would ask that you be patient with one another. I know this is a big ask. The trouble with feelings, primarily feelings of grief, is that they all manifest themselves in different ways. In short we all grieve differently, so give each other some grace and space through this tenuous time. I would ask that you especially hold this grace toward the staff and the leadership of the church as they are taking on a lot in this process of transition (If you think about it drop them a note of encouragement because this is a tough time for them).
The second is to participate in the transition process. There is work to be done at the church and the parsonage to show our great hospitality to the new pastor. We will have teams that will help the new pastor and their family to settle. And of course be thinking of ways that you can communicate the story of Trinity to the new pastor as one of the greatest calls of the church is to be stewards of our story. This is because we all are a part of the great story of God’s amazing grace. A big note here (and one where you get something to) is to take part in the new directory that will be shot at Trinity Church on May 9, 10, and 11th. These pictures are a great blessing to a new pastor.
And lastly but most importantly, we need to pray. We as a church believe in the power of prayer. I began this letter by talking about seasons. It is important to remember that we are currently in the season of Lent. This is a season of reflection and renewal as we prepare our hearts and minds for Christ’s death and resurrection. I would ask that you would pray for my family and I as we transition to a new appointment. I especially ask for the strength to say good bye. I ask that you pray for our new pastor (we will know more about them soon) and their current church as they say good bye. And lastly, pray for yourselves and the ministry of Trinity Church that God will lead you forward together (with a new pastor) to show the amazing grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to the people of Kendallville, IN.