
Showing posts from August, 2018

Pastor Chris' Letter August 2018

Dear Trinity Family, Beginning August 5 th we will start a new teaching series called A “Neighborhood” Block Party. This series will be a great follow up to our FOR Kendallville teaching series from this spring. In this series we are going to talk about how sometimes the idea of a party can bring people of all different backgrounds, cultures, and settings in life together. This series will also contain some elements that call us to action as a part of our FOR Kendallville Campaign. First, in August we will begin our FOR Fridays. This is one Friday a month where we highlight a local business and we ask everyone in the church and our connected social network to help these local businesses. This is a two-fold benefit. First we are able to learn about the people who run our local businesses. This relationship building and getting to know those in our community is an awesome opportunity to be FOR Kendallville. The second way is we are able to support our local businesses which is the...

Pastor Angie's In-spire-ations August 2018

Happy August!   One of the things I love to do and haven’t done much of in the past couple of years is to facilitate small groups.   I especially like to lead 6 week or so studies.   I like a beginning and an end so that each time it ends, new people can come and go.   I’ll soon be working with the Peru group on a study called “Before You Go” that prepares short term mission teams for what it might look like in the field and the things that happen when one re-enters their own culture. I would love to try something new with you all.   There is an online app called YouVersion.   A good friend introduced me to it some time ago.   It is free and can be loaded onto a tablet or a smart phone.   There are several translations of the Bible and A LOT of Studies that can be done.   You can do them on your own OR you can do them with a group.   That’s what I would like to try.   I do this with my friends several times a year and it’s great...

What’s Going On (by Pastor Chris) August 2018

What’s Going On (by Pastor Chris) Why could the church steeple not keep a secret? Because the church bells always tolled. Bad jokes aside I want to tell you about something that we have not kept as a great secret. In June we hired Steve Brittenham to be our Pastor of Congregational Care. This job is a part-time position that centers around visitation for our shut-ins and those in long-term rehab. Steve will be building a visitation team that will include the already marvelous work of Dick and Pat Ogden. (I have said many times that I highly appreciate and celebrate the ministry that they have with our shut-ins.) As I write this Steve is on a cross-country journey with his family, but I am excited for this fall as he helps bring his gifts and talents to this special area of ministry. As more and more of our church family are separated by illness, pain, and surgery we need to keep contact to show our love and care. Steve’s job is to help to meet this need by visiting and by organiz...

Let’s Have Some Fun!

Let’s Have Some Fun! With the start of a new teaching series about having a party we are going to have a few chances for you to join in on the fun. We are going to have a few special Sundays this Fall where we would like you to wear a special outfit. After the fun we had last year with our Ugly Christmas Sweater Sunday, we are now adding a few more days. Please note that you can choose not to participate, as always; no one should be judged for what they wear to church. That being said, these special Sundays are: September 9 th – Jersey or Sports Sunday. This is opening weekend of the NFL wear your favorite team gear and celebrate at the church. November 11 th – Dress-Up Sunday. Wear your best outfit. Have fun with it, maybe wear your tux and tails to church—it will be a blast. (Note the pastors already have special outfits for this Sunday!) And finally the return of the famous Ugly Christmas Sweater Sunday on December 23 rd . There will again be prizes for the best Ugly Christmas...

Baby Shower

  Everyone’s Invited Come out and celebrate with Phil and Rachel Muncie (our worship and youth pastor and his wife) as they prepare to welcome their first child, a boy, named Tristan Eriksen Muncie. This celebration will be an open house on August 19 th following second service (with some set-up time between) from 12:30-2:30 pm. Phil and Rachel are registered at Target and Amazon. If you would like to help with the party or have other questions please call (260-347-0056) or e-mail ( .)