What’s Going On (by Pastor Chris) August 2018
What’s Going On (by Pastor Chris)
Why could the church steeple not keep a secret? Because the church bells always tolled. Bad jokes aside I want to tell you about something that we have not kept as a great secret. In June we hired Steve Brittenham to be our Pastor of Congregational Care. This job is a part-time position that centers around visitation for our shut-ins and those in long-term rehab. Steve will be building a visitation team that will include the already marvelous work of Dick and Pat Ogden. (I have said many times that I highly appreciate and celebrate the ministry that they have with our shut-ins.)
As I write this Steve is on a cross-country journey with his family, but I am excited for this fall as he helps bring his gifts and talents to this special area of ministry. As more and more of our church family are separated by illness, pain, and surgery we need to keep contact to show our love and care. Steve’s job is to help to meet this need by visiting and by organizing others to help show love to these disconnected members.
This is the point in my article where I turn to you to ask you for a favor. Steve cannot do this ever-growing job on his own. We need folks who are willing to go and visit on a semi-regular (monthly/quarterly) basis. We also need to know that we have an accurate record of who needs visiting. So if you know of a disconnected member, please let us know. Finally, I ask that you please consider helping Steve in this marvelous ministry and welcome him to the staff of Trinity. As always if you have any questions about any of this, please feel free to contact me by e-mail at chris@trinitychurchum.org or by contacting the church office.